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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Is that us in that picture?!

In the mail yesterday I received a newsletter from one of my favorite ministries: Revive Our Hearts (Nancy Leigh DeMoss). I unfolded the glossy-faced paper and glanced at the front. Immediately, my eyes caught site of two recognizable individuals, featuring their testimony on the next page. I quickly folded it back up and laid it on my desk. I'd look at it later, when my husband was home. It is strange for us to see our picture and story "out there."

Later, when we were ready to go to bed, I remembered the newsletter and got it out and showed my husband. He immediately cringed. I read it quickly, skimming over the words from the safe view behind his arm that was holding the paper. We pray that others see the testimony of a faithful God who worked in our hearts and lives. God is still working in us! Our story is not a "...and they lived happily ever after story," but it is a story of how we found grace and mercy and learned to extend that as we journeyed through marriage. We still have times where we struggle. We still have times where God reminds us back of those profound, painful lessons.

My husband is the most transparent man I've ever known. There is no pretense about him. He has no desire for anyone to look to him for hope - it is God and God alone that gets him through every day. Same for me. I love biographies of people who lived lives dedicated to God. I am inspired as they reveal their struggles, revelations, and the ever-present help of God. Unfortunately, in our culture, we've gotten away from the value of "biography" and have instead, lusted after "celebrity." God did a mighty work in our lives and we want GOD to stay in the forefront and in every nook and cranny of our testimony as GOD desires to use it - to bring Glory to HIS name.

When we found out that Moody Publishing desired to publish my book, our greatest concern was ourselves....we are a work in progress, just like everyone else, we are desperate and needy for our Savior - each and every day. We have no desire to be looked at, put in a position where we do not belong or thought more highly of than we should be. We praise God for His blessing in the way of opportunity to tell more people about what He has done. I put forth a great deal of hard work in the telling of His story and He is allowing the work of my hands to be fruitful. It is all - only by HIS grace!

There are other happenings on the horizon....a video being taped in March at our home (oh my, can you imagine the cleaning I'm going to have to do!), more dedicated work that goes into the preparations of publishing a book. It kinda makes our head spin. How could God ever use us? The only way is because he desires to use what HE has done and continues to do in our lives! We have nothing to offer the world, we have nothing of value or worth that any other person would desire. But we do have the greatest treasure man could ever possess - an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ!

We would so appreciate your prayers in the next coming months. Having all of your dirty laundry out to air is worth it if it causes someone to relate to our very real and transparent struggles, someone to persevere in a difficult marriage, and mostly, if it causes others to seek HIM!

Not to us, Oh Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. Psalm 115:1

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