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May friendship, encouragement and grace abound!

To read my adoption blogs check out: katelynsfund blog

Monday, April 25, 2011

Like Play-dough?

I was attempting to give our adopted son some much needed encouragement. I explained to him that everything God created is wonderful and that he was fearfully and wonderfully made. I went on to tell him that even on those days when he doesn't feel special or worthy of anyone's love, God loves him just the way he is.

I told him that God created him with his own hands and gave him the physical attributes that he desired for him...the color of his hair, his eyes, how fast he runs, how he loves music, his talents, etc. "Like play-dough?" was his response and I said "Yes, exactly like play-dough, God is the potter and we are his play-dough and he made us just like he wanted just like we create what we want out of play-dough.

The world may scream to us that we are not thin enough, pretty enough, smart enough, rich enough, talented enough....but God lovingly created us - his love for us is unconditional. His love is unchanging - IT IS NEVER BASED ON OUR ACTIONS, OR TITHES, OR OFFERINGS TO HIM OR OUR ATTEMPT TO DO GOOD! It is impossible for us to do anything to earn God's love.

We are play-dough in his hands - we are vessels fashioned by a holy, redeeming God!

Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand. Isaiah 64:8

Thursday, April 21, 2011

The Heart of a Servant

Two thousand years ago Christ met with his inner circle that included the twelve men he had spent the majority of time with. They gathered together to celebrate the Passover meal. These men had seen the amazing miracles that Jesus had performed. They heard his teaching and had lived with the teacher himself. These men had seen God incarnate - the very one who was there when the foundations of the earth were laid, when the stars were created, when every creature upon the earth was created. After the meal, Christ began to wash the feet of those men.

To consider God in flesh, who would disrobe down to his loin cloth, wrap a giant towel around himself and begin to wash the dust and grime off the feet of those men, is sobering. Through the power of the Holy Spirit Christ willingly took on the role of a servant. I can struggle with simply being kind to my family on some days. Those disciples, those men, didn’t really understand, yet, Christ served them. He knew their sins, their short-comings, their doubts, and how, in just a few hours, they would run and hide when was faced with death. Still, he loved them and he served them in the most humble way. But, we can believe that it’s so much more hurtful and unfair when someone wrongs us or our own husband wrongs us! We can imagine Christ serving selflessly, even those who will betray him. After all, he’s God -doesn’t he have to do what’s right. Didn’t he naturally have the capacity to forgive? Christ had the capacity because he relied on the Holy Spirit for strength and grace. Christ humbled himself, fully. Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with god something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death-even death on a cross. Philippians 2:6-8. We like to think we have a way out, an excuse, but in reality that’s only a convenience we use to justify our disobedience. We have the same blessed opportunity to rely upon the same Holy Spirit for strength and grace.

We too, are equipped with the strength and grace enough to serve those around us. No one is undeserving of our service either...Christ also washed the feet of very one who would betray him...he lovingly washed the feet of Judas, who would a short time later.

May we walk today, in full realization that we have that same Holy Spirit, equipping us to serve as Christ served.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What Do I Have to Offer...Really?

Ever think that you are just so plain ordinary that you would be labeled "vanilla" in the aisle of inviting and enticing flavors? When someone asks you what you are good at, or what God has called you to do, do you answer with a blank stare and doubting heart? If so, take heart - you are not alone!

Sometimes, we women get so involved with raising kids, keeping food in everyone's bellies, juggling jobs, schedules, laundry and all the other demands in life that we forget that we have a greater purpose - or we miss the purpose of our days!

We tend to look at the women who are "seen and heard," who have authored best-selling books, who speak at conferences, have recording contracts or are involved with well-known ministries as those God is using to make a difference in his kingdom.

Just how many of these "out-in-front" women have you met at Wal-Mart, when you are having a not-so-good-day, who will offer you a smile and an understanding nod? Who of these women can you call when you need someone to talk to? How many plates of chocolate goodies have they ever brought to your door when you are going through a hard time? How many coffee dates have you had lately with any of these women? How many of them have written you notes of encouragement?

Get the message?

It's the normal, "vanilla" women who are making a greater difference in your life than we sometimes realize. A perfect example are the two special ladies who are on my son's bus route every morning and every afternoon. My "special" son rides a very special bus to and from school each day and to go along with that theme---there are two very special women who care for those kids while they are transported each day. These ladies seem to enjoy their job but I'm certain they have days that don't end soon enough, yet, they are always smiling, always brilliant rays of sunshine in the morning - no matter how gloomy the Indiana weather! I am confident if these two women were asked if God is using them in powerful ways in the daily lives of others that they would flick their hand forward and downward, roll their eyes and shake their heads in disbelief...yet, they are two of the most candy-coated, whipped-creamed, cherry-topped, precious ladies of Christ who ever drove a yellow bus...and I'm certain they would claim to be pure, plain vanilla! I know that my sweet son who sometimes isn't so sweet is being loved with the love of Jesus when he steps on the bus of Miss Karen and Miss Lisa.

The lady who almost always checks me out at Kroger is precious lady and being that I'm there often, emptying my bank account in order to fill the bellies in my home, I have an opportunity to be Christ to her. Same goes for the post office, or Wal-Mart, or where ever I roam...I want to be the cherry on top of their day...I may be the only person who said a kind word, or offered a smile, let alone a prayer.

God used twelve men to change the world! They didn't have best-selling books, sell millions of records, have a record number of hits on their blogs, or face book accounts, or even bank accounts...they simply allowed the SPIRIT OF GOD TO FLOW THROUGH THEIR LIVES! God wants to use you to change the world...one person at a time. So, what you have to offer anyone is the best and when we get right down to it...the only thing they need - JESUS! What does that look like for you? If you are Miss Lisa or Miss Karen, our special bus drivers, it looks like being Jesus to special-needs children. Whoever it is around you - they need Christ and you might be the only one willing!

What do you have to offer? Oh, my beloved sister, you have Jesus to offer and there is no flavor, no topping, nothing we can imagine that can compare to him! So if you consider yourself plain vanilla - that's ok, God isn't asking for you to be extraordinary - just ordinary - because he is an extraordinary God who uses ordinary people.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

He Makes me Lie Down in Green Pastures

Today was the a beautiful spring morning in the barn. As usual, I was met with noisy goats hollering for their breakfast. Once the frenzied feeding time was over and bellies were satisfied, I led the buck out to his private pasture then walked out in the larger pastures. I checked fences and made sure that their wasn't any traces of baling twine or something the goat kids would attempt to chew (baby goats are much like toddlers - always putting something in their mouths). The new grass was the most glorious, bright green and this morning it was particularly beautiful. The heavy morning moisture left the grass glistening in the bright sun. The sky was blue...ah, how thankful I am that winter is over. Normally, all the goats follow me out to the pasture but this morning they chose to settle down. It was silent as I stood out there by myself. It was a peaceful way to start the morning, "Good morning, Lord Jesus!" When I walked back up to the barn I found all the does (females) and the goat kids lying around lazily in the warm sun. They didn't have a care in the world as they enjoyed fully bellies, chewing their cud. They were content with the feed their master had given them. I don't consider goats to be the most intelligent creatures but I thought to myself, "These goats get it, why can't I be more like them! I know the Word of God, I read his truths, I've experienced his love and care in my life - why do I strive and worry"? Goats are not normally a relaxed animal. They are skittish and actually good watch dogs. They are aware of everything going on around them and won't rest if they sense any danger. They bleat out warnings and remain on high alert until they are certain all danger is completely gone. Obviously, this morning, they felt safe. They were completely unaware of the actions that I had taken, the work that I had already done to make sure they were healthy and well cared for. In the Twenty-Third Psalm God is wooing us to a place of rest in Him. He is the Shepherd - He will not allow ANYTHING to get to us unless it has first passed through his hands of love. We shall not want - He is Provider and Protector, in Him, I have rest. He makes us to lie down in green pastures - Just like those goats this morning, I desire to be so certain of the care of my shepherd, so certain of his love and his perfect will and plan for my life that I rest in the glorious, green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters - So often, I cause the waves of turmoil in my life - by my choices, my doubts, my fears. But God wants to lead me and he does so by his Word - if I will chose to feast upon it, filling my spiritual belly, satisfying my soul. He restores me - Though I grow weary, though I often stray, my shepherd is faithful to bring me back into the fold of his loving arms. Oh, how thankful I am that winter is gone. How thankful I am that I have a shepherd who will always lead me, guide me, protect me, discipline me and lovingly care fore me. What about you? Are you on high alert, fearful, stressed, feeling the chaos of life unfold around you? Or, are you feasting on the promises of God, allowing your soul to be satisfied - being lead to that place of peace and surrender - that glorious, green pasture? Take time today to meditate on the 23rd Psalm - and on the loving character of your God!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Cost of Love

There are dirty dishes stacked on the kitchen counter. A laundry basket holds two loads of clothes that need to be folded and put away. There are papers that need to be sorted, floors that need to be swept and e-mails that need a response. My house is in serious need of a good cleaning, but I am spent. Each night, after I tuck our adopted son into bed, I am ready for peace, ready to slip into my nightly coma. If this is love, then love isn't very tidy.

Medical bills, one after another, come in the mail. Our son came to us with many issues. So much time is spent going to doctor appointments, tests, evaluations, catching him up on immunizations, and dental needs. We really need a new vehicle but that's not going to happen right now. Adoption drained our bank accounts. If this is love then love is costly.

Time spent with my husband is a mere blur at times. Often when we do have the opportunity to talk, we are too tired and simply want to fall asleep. Gone are the carefree bike rides and evening walks alone with him. We pour into our precious son and though its getting better all the time, sometimes, he doesn't respond as we had hoped. We spend most of our time and energy in an attempt to reach his wounded heart. If this is love, then love is consuming.

We've pared down our lives. Commitments, committees and ministries that were so important before have taken a backseat. We don't seem to get out as much. We don't have the social life we once did. We've lessened our duties at church considerably. Many projects have been put-off, at least for now. Sometimes, we really miss the fellowship, the freedom. We've thought about what is really important - what is eternal - what is worth doing and doing well and we feel as though we've chosen well. If this is love, then love is sacrificing.

My heart aches for my son to be free. His misbehavior and resentment are often hard to understand. Glimpses of walls being torn down give us hope. For the longest time, his love was un-returned and I'm thankful that he no longer screams at me that he doesn't want me to be his momma. He allows us to see his need for us now. We look forward to that day when he no longer lives in such a state of fear and self-protection. If this is love then love is painful.

I consider my own adoption, how I am heir to the throne of God. I ponder my redemption - how God saved me. I knew not, I understood not, the all-consuming love of the Father. I cannot fully comprehend the price that was paid to remove me from my bondage. I know of the cross, I read of Christ's pain, I imagine the suffering, but do I live there - in a place of understanding - of the Gospel? How then, can I expect our son to understand the cost his earthly parents have had to pay to redeem him, let alone the price God paid for him. Especially, when my flesh can fail my son, I wonder, how he could ever comprehend our love for him; God's love for him? If I cannot always see that God has my best in mind and always does what is most loving for me, how can I expect my son to trust that we always consider what is most loving for him?

Our days are filled with messiness, expenses, pain and sacrifices. These days are glorious days of continual, loving examples, fleshed-out before us in our home each day - examples of how costly the cross was for our God and Redeemer! The love that spilled forth on the cross wasn't tidy...it was brutal, bloody, horrific in suffering, it was all-consuming, excruciating and beautiful. God was willing, willing to get dirty for my sins. Then so should I, be willing...to get a little dirty...if this is love, then I want it.

What Does Worship Look Like?

Often, we associate worship as that time before teaching on Sundays, when the worship leader and/or worship team is leading us in a time of singing and praise, or, when we listen to Christian radio and enjoy the various artists proclaiming their version of momentary worship. Corporate worship is good and is meant to prepare our hearts to hear the truths of God's Word. Singing along with the radio or being moved even by a particular song or lyric, is equally good. But worship isn't about music. Music is a form by which we can worship.

Worship isn't meant to be "visited" every-so-often, or when we are in the mood, or only on Sunday mornings. Worship is meant to be a way of life.

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth. John 4:23-24

I've always considered myself a worshiper, but what does that really mean? Sure, I love to get out my guitar and sing to my Father for hours...it can be a beautiful, intimate time with the Lover of my Soul. I also enjoy walking where it is quiet - be a field, a wooded area, while hiking alone, along a neighborhood, or on a beach. While I walk, I talk and pour out my heart. I speak of the awe and reverence towards God. I recognize that He alone is WORTHY of my praise. Sometimes, just listening to his creation - the sound of the rain, the wind, the crunch of snow under my feet, the ripples of water against the bank of a creek - even silence - is a form of worship for me.

There are no right or wrong ways to worship. God is spirit and he desires that we worship in spirit and truth. As long as my spirit, in truth, is looking to him, seeking him, surrendering to him, believing that he is to be worshiped - then I am a worshiper of God - when I recognize that he is God and deserves my offering, my sacrifice of praise.

Though God knows who he is he wants to hear it from our mouths. When my children were little I knew they loved me yet, what a delight when they would climb up on my lap and simply want to be with me. What a delight it is for our Father when we simply want to climb up on his lap - to sit with him for awhile. How glorious when we don't chatter away with all of our requests and desires but simply contemplate on the awesomeness of God.

I can set my heart in motion with worship when I speak the names of God: El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty), El Olam (The Everlasting God), Jehovah Jireh (The Lord will Provide), Master, Shepherd...and so many more. God knows my name, I want to know Him, know his name, know his character. Though I cannot fully understand or comprehend him or his love for me, I want to know him and worship him - because he is worthy.

I don't want worship to be just an every-so-often "event," I desire that worship be part of my every day, part of who I am. God desires the same for me so I believe that I have the freedom to worship him with a walk, with music, in silence, by speaking his name, by enjoying his creation, by enjoying his everlasting, all-consuming love.