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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What Do I Have to Offer...Really?

Ever think that you are just so plain ordinary that you would be labeled "vanilla" in the aisle of inviting and enticing flavors? When someone asks you what you are good at, or what God has called you to do, do you answer with a blank stare and doubting heart? If so, take heart - you are not alone!

Sometimes, we women get so involved with raising kids, keeping food in everyone's bellies, juggling jobs, schedules, laundry and all the other demands in life that we forget that we have a greater purpose - or we miss the purpose of our days!

We tend to look at the women who are "seen and heard," who have authored best-selling books, who speak at conferences, have recording contracts or are involved with well-known ministries as those God is using to make a difference in his kingdom.

Just how many of these "out-in-front" women have you met at Wal-Mart, when you are having a not-so-good-day, who will offer you a smile and an understanding nod? Who of these women can you call when you need someone to talk to? How many plates of chocolate goodies have they ever brought to your door when you are going through a hard time? How many coffee dates have you had lately with any of these women? How many of them have written you notes of encouragement?

Get the message?

It's the normal, "vanilla" women who are making a greater difference in your life than we sometimes realize. A perfect example are the two special ladies who are on my son's bus route every morning and every afternoon. My "special" son rides a very special bus to and from school each day and to go along with that theme---there are two very special women who care for those kids while they are transported each day. These ladies seem to enjoy their job but I'm certain they have days that don't end soon enough, yet, they are always smiling, always brilliant rays of sunshine in the morning - no matter how gloomy the Indiana weather! I am confident if these two women were asked if God is using them in powerful ways in the daily lives of others that they would flick their hand forward and downward, roll their eyes and shake their heads in disbelief...yet, they are two of the most candy-coated, whipped-creamed, cherry-topped, precious ladies of Christ who ever drove a yellow bus...and I'm certain they would claim to be pure, plain vanilla! I know that my sweet son who sometimes isn't so sweet is being loved with the love of Jesus when he steps on the bus of Miss Karen and Miss Lisa.

The lady who almost always checks me out at Kroger is precious lady and being that I'm there often, emptying my bank account in order to fill the bellies in my home, I have an opportunity to be Christ to her. Same goes for the post office, or Wal-Mart, or where ever I roam...I want to be the cherry on top of their day...I may be the only person who said a kind word, or offered a smile, let alone a prayer.

God used twelve men to change the world! They didn't have best-selling books, sell millions of records, have a record number of hits on their blogs, or face book accounts, or even bank accounts...they simply allowed the SPIRIT OF GOD TO FLOW THROUGH THEIR LIVES! God wants to use you to change the world...one person at a time. So, what you have to offer anyone is the best and when we get right down to it...the only thing they need - JESUS! What does that look like for you? If you are Miss Lisa or Miss Karen, our special bus drivers, it looks like being Jesus to special-needs children. Whoever it is around you - they need Christ and you might be the only one willing!

What do you have to offer? Oh, my beloved sister, you have Jesus to offer and there is no flavor, no topping, nothing we can imagine that can compare to him! So if you consider yourself plain vanilla - that's ok, God isn't asking for you to be extraordinary - just ordinary - because he is an extraordinary God who uses ordinary people.

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