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Monday, April 11, 2011

What Does Worship Look Like?

Often, we associate worship as that time before teaching on Sundays, when the worship leader and/or worship team is leading us in a time of singing and praise, or, when we listen to Christian radio and enjoy the various artists proclaiming their version of momentary worship. Corporate worship is good and is meant to prepare our hearts to hear the truths of God's Word. Singing along with the radio or being moved even by a particular song or lyric, is equally good. But worship isn't about music. Music is a form by which we can worship.

Worship isn't meant to be "visited" every-so-often, or when we are in the mood, or only on Sunday mornings. Worship is meant to be a way of life.

Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. God is spirit and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth. John 4:23-24

I've always considered myself a worshiper, but what does that really mean? Sure, I love to get out my guitar and sing to my Father for hours...it can be a beautiful, intimate time with the Lover of my Soul. I also enjoy walking where it is quiet - be a field, a wooded area, while hiking alone, along a neighborhood, or on a beach. While I walk, I talk and pour out my heart. I speak of the awe and reverence towards God. I recognize that He alone is WORTHY of my praise. Sometimes, just listening to his creation - the sound of the rain, the wind, the crunch of snow under my feet, the ripples of water against the bank of a creek - even silence - is a form of worship for me.

There are no right or wrong ways to worship. God is spirit and he desires that we worship in spirit and truth. As long as my spirit, in truth, is looking to him, seeking him, surrendering to him, believing that he is to be worshiped - then I am a worshiper of God - when I recognize that he is God and deserves my offering, my sacrifice of praise.

Though God knows who he is he wants to hear it from our mouths. When my children were little I knew they loved me yet, what a delight when they would climb up on my lap and simply want to be with me. What a delight it is for our Father when we simply want to climb up on his lap - to sit with him for awhile. How glorious when we don't chatter away with all of our requests and desires but simply contemplate on the awesomeness of God.

I can set my heart in motion with worship when I speak the names of God: El Shaddai (Lord God Almighty), El Olam (The Everlasting God), Jehovah Jireh (The Lord will Provide), Master, Shepherd...and so many more. God knows my name, I want to know Him, know his name, know his character. Though I cannot fully understand or comprehend him or his love for me, I want to know him and worship him - because he is worthy.

I don't want worship to be just an every-so-often "event," I desire that worship be part of my every day, part of who I am. God desires the same for me so I believe that I have the freedom to worship him with a walk, with music, in silence, by speaking his name, by enjoying his creation, by enjoying his everlasting, all-consuming love.

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