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Thursday, April 14, 2011

He Makes me Lie Down in Green Pastures

Today was the a beautiful spring morning in the barn. As usual, I was met with noisy goats hollering for their breakfast. Once the frenzied feeding time was over and bellies were satisfied, I led the buck out to his private pasture then walked out in the larger pastures. I checked fences and made sure that their wasn't any traces of baling twine or something the goat kids would attempt to chew (baby goats are much like toddlers - always putting something in their mouths). The new grass was the most glorious, bright green and this morning it was particularly beautiful. The heavy morning moisture left the grass glistening in the bright sun. The sky was blue...ah, how thankful I am that winter is over. Normally, all the goats follow me out to the pasture but this morning they chose to settle down. It was silent as I stood out there by myself. It was a peaceful way to start the morning, "Good morning, Lord Jesus!" When I walked back up to the barn I found all the does (females) and the goat kids lying around lazily in the warm sun. They didn't have a care in the world as they enjoyed fully bellies, chewing their cud. They were content with the feed their master had given them. I don't consider goats to be the most intelligent creatures but I thought to myself, "These goats get it, why can't I be more like them! I know the Word of God, I read his truths, I've experienced his love and care in my life - why do I strive and worry"? Goats are not normally a relaxed animal. They are skittish and actually good watch dogs. They are aware of everything going on around them and won't rest if they sense any danger. They bleat out warnings and remain on high alert until they are certain all danger is completely gone. Obviously, this morning, they felt safe. They were completely unaware of the actions that I had taken, the work that I had already done to make sure they were healthy and well cared for. In the Twenty-Third Psalm God is wooing us to a place of rest in Him. He is the Shepherd - He will not allow ANYTHING to get to us unless it has first passed through his hands of love. We shall not want - He is Provider and Protector, in Him, I have rest. He makes us to lie down in green pastures - Just like those goats this morning, I desire to be so certain of the care of my shepherd, so certain of his love and his perfect will and plan for my life that I rest in the glorious, green pastures. He leads me beside quiet waters - So often, I cause the waves of turmoil in my life - by my choices, my doubts, my fears. But God wants to lead me and he does so by his Word - if I will chose to feast upon it, filling my spiritual belly, satisfying my soul. He restores me - Though I grow weary, though I often stray, my shepherd is faithful to bring me back into the fold of his loving arms. Oh, how thankful I am that winter is gone. How thankful I am that I have a shepherd who will always lead me, guide me, protect me, discipline me and lovingly care fore me. What about you? Are you on high alert, fearful, stressed, feeling the chaos of life unfold around you? Or, are you feasting on the promises of God, allowing your soul to be satisfied - being lead to that place of peace and surrender - that glorious, green pasture? Take time today to meditate on the 23rd Psalm - and on the loving character of your God!

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