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Friday, February 17, 2012

Does God Really Care About My Marriage

Man did not come up with the concept of marriage - God did.

In the garden, after God created Adam, God tells us in His Word that is was not good for man to be alone. What was missing was a helper suitable for Adam.
That helper would be woman, Eve. Man and woman were meant to compliment one another in all respects of life. They were two people - with two very distinct personalities, likes, dislikes, hopes and fears - yet they were meant to become ONE FLESH.

Marriage is the most intimate relationship - it is meant to be that way. Yet so often we live as if we have very separate lives. Often we are simply roommates. There is nothing more sad than living with a spouse and yet feeling lonely and unloved.

God wants to use your marriage to teach you about the intimacy He longs to have with you.

Even if your husband isn't willing to work on your marriage or is clueless as to how desperately lonely you feel day after day - God wants to do a work in YOUR heart.

I can speak from experience in allowing God to heal and restore a messy and unhealthy marriage. I came to a place where I realized that what I had been doing - ranting, crying, pleading, displaying anger and silence...didn't work. All it did was make matters worse, cause more walls between us. The crossroads came when I decided that I was either going to trust God or I wasn't! I was either going to continue to be filled with utter despair that filtered through every area of my life or I was going to place my hope in God. What did I have to lose? The worse thing that could have happened would have been to find out that God doesn't care and that He too, would fail me.

But God didn't fail me and I discovered just how much He cares!

If God created the concept of marriage - if it is meant to glorify Him and His Name - won't He surely be faithful to heal your marriage?

What have you been doing so far....maybe displaying a lot of the anger and emotions that I did - how's that been working for you? Do you find that you continue to cycle back to the same patterns of behavior and have the same arguments over and over? If there is no heart change - the change you see will be short-lived because you will be doing it on your own strength. Eventually, you'll fall back into that same nasty cycle. Unless there is a heart change!

God is the mender and changer of hearts. He is the creator and restorer of marriages

Give Him a chance - what have you got to lose?

For I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh. And I will put my Spirit in you and move you to follow my decrees and be careful to keep my laws. Ezekiel 36:26:27

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